Hapkido 합기도
Sung Moo Kwan

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Hapkido (HKD) (합기도) is one the few true "martial arts" remaining in the 21st century. It is not considered a sport and is extremely effective for real-world self-defence. We do not condone nor encourage violence. We teach Hapkido as a form of self-defence, if all else fails and you need to fight. The roots of this art form is in the military way of life during earlier times, when unarmed combat was not a spectacle but a necessity.

An evolved form of Hapkido is practised by South Korea's military Special Forces, "TukKong MooSool" (TKMS). We are trained and graded in TukKong MooSool.

The training regime of Hapkido is vigorous, emphasising naturalness and fluidity of technique. Economy of motion (minimal effort) and "follow-through" or "extension" is also emphasised. There are virtually no "hard-blocks" in the advanced stages, redirections being preferred for better results.


Sung Moo Kwan- 'Path to Martial Victory' School

Sung Moo Kwan (SMK) is the original school (clan) of Grand Master JI Han Jae (founder of the original Korea Hapkido Association).  The Head of this school is now Grand Master LTC Dr Julian Lim (certified 9th Dan, KIDO). SMK is registered with the Korean KiDo Association (KiDoHwe) & Korean Hapkido Federation (KHF).

Grand Master LTC Dr Julian Lim is recognised as the Head (Chong Kwan Jang - CKJ) of Sung Moo Kwan by the Korea Hapkido Federation (KHF) and is the last Korea Hapkido Association (KHA) certified Grand Master of Hapkido Sung Moo Kwan before KHA was de-registered early 2000's.

Hapkido focuses on 3 core principles:

  • Nonresistance or harmony 화

  • Circle principle 원

  • The Water / Flexible principal 유

Key Components:

  • Joint manipulation techniques

  • Throwing and Grappling techniques

  • Striking

  • Kicking

  • Weapons

We learn & practise Hapkido Sung Moo Kwan directly from Grand Master LTC Dr Julian Lim (certified 9th Dan, HKD) - CKJ of Sung Moo Kwan.